Building on that experience, we offer:
Medical Cases for Immediate Referral
- Spinal cord injuries
- Head injuries
- Amputations
- Multiple injuries
- Intensive case admissions
- Burns — second, third degree
- Imminent discharges to home care
- Injuries with paralysis
Medical cases for possible referral
- Old cases, return to work – ?
- Soft-tissue injuries not remedied
- Long bone fractures
- Protracted, conservative P.T.
- “Frequent Flyers”
- Unknown or over-treaters
- Excessive medication
- Disconnect – complaints & evals
- Hostile claimants, “doctor shoppers”
- Psychiatric referrals
Vocational cases for immediate referral
- Claimant unable to do their job
- Claimant has been fired
- Claimant is near retirement
- Claimant is young
- Claimant has poor work history
- Claimant is undereducated
- Claimant – high wage/skill ratio
- Claimant – difficult labor market
When it is a limited assessment
- You have specific questions
- The focus is on clarification
- Just the client needs contact
- Just a physician needs contact
- Just the employer needs contact
- A combination of these
For special needs claimants
- Senior Employees
- Diabetic Employees
- Mentally-challenged Employees
- Other special needs Employees